Sunday, October 23, 2016

The Constitution of the Banana Republic of President Trump

The Constitution of the Banana Republic of Trump (formerly the United States of America).

All elections will be judged to be rigged unless Trump wins them.

All political opponents of President Trump will be jailed.

Judges must have no foreign ancestry. 

All women will be "Hot." Those deemed less than a "10," but better than a five, must wear a hijab. Those a five or less must wear a jilbab. In which case they'll all look like Muslims and will be deported to Iraq.

Anyone criticizing the President will be sued.

The media will be freed of its liberal bias, if it knows what's good for it.

White people will have an extra vote in every election to compensate them for no longer being a majority. 

All cheap imports will be prohibited from entering the country except for Chinese steel needed for the construction of the next Trump luxury condo or hotel, or Vietnamese clothing for the Trump luxury apparel label.

Mexicans will not be allowed to enter the country to harvest American fruit and vegetable crops. Those are good jobs reserved for real Americans willing to work for subsistence wages.

Anyone criticizing Russian President Putin will be exiled to Russia.

College education will be free at Trump University, with the government paying the tuition.

"Fact Checking" will be a capital offense punishable by 10 years in prison with the "Art of the Deal" as the only reading material.

Presidential press conferences will be open only to Sean Hannity, Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, Breitbart News, Russia Today and maybe Matt Drudge.

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